Wearing the Wrong Sports Shoes Can Cause Back Pain

If your foot's function isn't optimal or, more precisely that something isn't completely right in your feet as you run for long distances or stand for an extended duration, or work out (on the feet) it will impact your whole body and may result in an injury that is not just to your feet or lower legs, but also in the back. It's amazing by how many issues are able to be addressed and pains are able to be eliminated with appropriate footwear for belfast sports shop.
Each time you strike your foot into the ground you create a shockwave in your body. The shockwaves that are repeated, when they are not properly absorption can cause damage to joints (ankles knees, knees, and the spine). A well-designed sports shoe can to absorb shock waves while restoring the function of your feet. Many runners suffer from low back pain because they're wearing the wrong footwear for running!
There are different types of feet for different people particularly those who exercise, require appropriate shoes that are of the correct size. If you have feet with high arches, they are sturdier, and you require shoes that have greater cushioning. If you have flat or low-arched feet, they're too flexible and require an extra rigid shoe (motion-control) to help keep the foot in place and prevent injuries. The right footwear can protect not just your ankles, your feet as well as your knees, but also your hips, but also your back.
Furthermore, it is essential to select the appropriate shoe for the appropriate sport in order to prevent injuries and lower the risk of suffering back discomfort. Running shoes aren't designed to be used for squash like squash, for example. They're not made to play on the same surface or for the same kind of movement. It is advisable to visit a specialized retailer and ask for help. Specialized stores generally have knowledgeable sales representatives. Let them help you.
Size is equally crucial. Shoes for sports shouldn't be too tight, nor too loose. You must be able to move your toes. There should be a full thumb width between your longest toes and the bottom in the shoes. Also, the heel should not slide and rub as you run or walk.
Shoes for sports wear. If you exercise in "old" sports shoes, regardless of how comfortable or comfortable they may be they're not delivering what they were intended to do in the first place more stabilization, cushioning and motion control. Inability to replace your footwear on time is one of the major causes of injuries. If you are a frequent exerciser it is recommended to have two pairs of footwear and switch between them. If you regularly exercise at least twice per week - and use only just one pair of trainers it is recommended to replace them once a year. If you train two to three times a week, it is recommended to replace your trainers at least once every two years.
Don't purchase cheap imitations. The best sports shoes are expensive , but it's worth it.
Florence Cohen is a certified Medical Reflexologist with the International Institute of Reflexology who is a specialist on back problems. For more tips or facts about relieving or avoiding back pain you are welcome to visit [http://www.reflexology4backpain.com/]. This site is informative for people suffering from back pain as well as reflexologists. You will get clear and easy to understand information on the reasons behind back pain as well as the science-based evidence behind reflexology. All resources are at the disposal of the user to find an efficient reflexologist within their local area.